How To Suspend Objects In Resin Like A Professional

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Ever wonder how to suspend objects in resin? There are many ways actually and it’s easier than you might think. The most common way to incorporate resin into jewelry pieces is by creating sea glass, snowflake pendants, or other pieces that mimic the look of something frozen in ice or suspended in water. The benefits of this method are that it’s easy and the results can be quite striking. It also allows you to do a lot of fun things like the color the resin, add texture by sprinkling glitter on top or even use strands of pearls.

Essential Tips For Suspending Objects In Resin

  • Step 1. Start with a glass or metal container that can be used as a mold.
  • Step 2. Make sure you buy enough resin to cover the objects you want to embed, plus an additional inch or two.
  • Step 3. When making your epoxy resin, make sure everything is clean and that lids are tightened so no air bubbles get inside your sealed jar.
  • Step 4. Prepare the objects you want to embed before mixing your epoxy resin. If your object isn’t waterproof, spray it with hairspray before dipping it into the resin mixture.
  • Step 5. The epoxy resin hardens over time, so avoid getting distracted while it’s setting up in its glass or metal container.
  • Step 6. Wipe off any extra epoxy resin that has settled on the edges of your container and let the sealer dry.

Resin requires patience and a little bit of preparation, but the result is usually well worth it!

Can I Put Flowers In Resin Without Preserving Them First?

You do not have to preserve your flowers before putting them in your resin mixture. However, if you know that you are going to use the flowers in a project and put them in resin, it is best to seal them before putting them in the mixture.

By sealing the flowers before putting them into resin, you can make sure that they will last longer in the final product and not rot or wilt away. This process is very easy. You just need Mod Podge and a brush. Simply paint on a light layer of Mod Podge over the flower or petal you want to preserve.

When choosing fresh flowers for your project, pick ones that are very healthy looking and have no bruises or marks on them. The more healthy and intact the flower is when you seal it, the better it will look.

Resin Mistakes That Beginners Should Avoid

We make mistakes now and then, and that is especially true in the case of resin art. There is always something new to learn, and even with all our experience, we still make mistakes sometimes.

In this post, I am sharing some of the most common mistakes that beginners make in the hopes they will help you avoid them in your resin art projects.

Not Using Accurate Measurements

If you are mixing larger volumes of resin, being off by just a half of a teaspoon probably isn’t going to have much of an effect. However, if you are mixing smaller amounts of resin, then half a teaspoon will be a big deal. This is why it is crucial always to use measuring cups when you mix your resin and hardener.

Don’t Start Before Reading The Instructions

DIY projects are always fun, but they can be frustrating if you don’t know what you’re doing. Before rushing your resin project, stop and read the directions that come with the resin kit before you even open the containers.

There are many different types of resin on the market, and each has its way of being mixed, poured, and polished. Most have a specific ratio to follow when mixing. For instance, some resins require a 1:1 ratio of part A to part B, while other resins use a 2:1 or 3:1 ratio. If you don’t get the mixture right, your resin will never cure properly.

Choosing the Wrong Resin Type

In addition to how you mix your resin, how your resin cures are also very important. Some resins harden slowly and then become a flexible material that bends easily, while others remain hard and brittle.

If you choose the wrong type of resin for how you want it to look, you could end up wasting a lot of time and money. By the way, we have prepared for you an excellent detailed guide on how to choose the best epoxy resin for crafts.

Why Is It That My Embeds Keep Sinking?

The simplest way to explain how this works is to tell you how water molecules behave in resin. As resin cures, it begins to absorb water which causes the surface tension to change dramatically. The majority of embeds are usually made out of metal.

Let’s look at an example:

You mix resin, pour it into your mold, and immediately put in all of your beautiful embeds, but after a while, you notice that they are no longer sitting at the top. They have sunk.

This is not how I want my jewelry to look! What did I do wrong?

Objects placed in resin need to be securely glued in place with a thin layer of resin. This thin layer is called an adhesive barrier. Air bubbles are how your embeds are being ejected from the resin, causing them to sink over time due to how water molecules behave in resin.

Is it harmful to the skin if I use resin?

Yes, some resin can be toxic to the skin if you are using it on a large project. Acrylic resins should be only used for small projects because they contain chemicals that can irritate or harm your skin.

What I recommend is using polyurethane resin instead. This resin will never promote harmful vapors and is safe to use on a large project.


Learning how to suspend objects in resin is easy once you know how the process works. As with any other art technique, it becomes easier with practice and the more you do it, the better at it you will become.

Even if you make a mistake or two along the way, don’t be discouraged. It’s not worth ruining your project over. Remember that resin is very forgiving, especially if the mistake you make is small or unintentional. All it takes is a little patience and some polishing to fix almost any problem you might have.

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Mike Towel

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